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Am I Suitable to Be a Cat Owner?

Many people love watching cat photos and videos, and seeing such adorable kitties often sparks the desire to adopt one. Cats also seem easier to care for than dogs, requiring less time and attention. But, is that really the case? Let’s explore some things you should consider before becoming a cat owner.

Genuine Affection
Owning a cat requires planning, just like raising a child. It’s not enough to think a kitten is cute and want to adopt one. Remember, cats grow up too; they can be mischievous, run around everywhere, and may even meow loudly (sometimes at night). As they age, they may not be as cute, become lazy, and sometimes exhibit destructive behavior or inappropriate elimination. If you haven’t considered these aspects, it’s best to reconsider—you're likely not suited for this responsibility.

Recent Life Changes
If you’re planning to get married, have children, move, or travel abroad soon, now is not the right time to adopt a cat. Cats are very sensitive to changes in their environment, so it’s advisable to wait until your life stabilizes before making such a commitment.

Reality Check: Money and Time
The cost of owning a cat can vary greatly, but the basics include food and litter. The daily expenses for one cat are approximately around a thousand units of your currency. New cat owners must also consider the costs of purchasing a litter box, food bowl, carrier, toys, etc., which can range from hundreds to thousands. Additionally, medical expenses must be factored in: cats need vaccinations annually, and kittens require two vaccinations in their first few months. There are also costs for spaying/neutering and health checks as they age. Medical expenses can range from hundreds to thousands, so you must seriously consider whether you can afford this.

Money is a very practical concern.If you’re willing and able to handle these costs, think about whether you have the time to spend with your cat. Cats can feel lonely and need companionship, even if they appear aloof! If you’re often away from home or travel frequently, consider whether someone can help clean the litter box and feed them during your absence. If you haven’t thought about this, it’s best not to adopt a cat lightly.

In reality, owning a cat can seem easy, but it’s not as simple as it appears. Most cats are not as affectionate as dogs; they may see you merely as a servant, with a higher status of “litter cleaner.” They might look down on you! So, if you truly love cats, don’t mind being underestimated, and are willing to work hard for them while being responsible, congratulations! You’re welcome to join the ranks of cat owners!


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